Potency is the ability of the male body to perform sexual intercourse. And men who violated this procedure are increasingly worried. Usually, poor efficacy leads to prostatitis-a fairly common and unpleasant disease in men, characterized by inflammation of the prostate. One of the main and unpleasant factors of this disease is the pain of perineum and urinary system diseases.
Drugs that increase potency

Potency problems are most commonly diagnosed in men after the age of 40, and only one-third of them seek expert help. Today, more and more strong gender representatives are interested in how to quickly improve effectiveness. However, it is worth noting that the use of many drugs that affect potency increases can cause many side effects or have a large number of contraindications.
For example, well-known pills that enhance male potency can quickly and reliably affect potency. They are commonly used in men with erectile dysfunction, especially men with diabetes. It increases and slightly affects the reproductive system and the whole body, dilates blood vessels and fills the blood with oxygen.
How to increase the effectiveness of medicines without harmful ingredients and prefer natural medicines is also a hot topic. These drugs can not only restore the function of the reproductive system, but also enhance men's libido and help build up a mental state.
However, any pills prescribed by a doctor cannot solve the problem as a whole. They can stimulate blood circulation and improve blood flow to the penis, and some nuances of this intimacy problem will remain unresolved. What to do, how to improve effectiveness simply and harmlessly? Many people try to increase effectiveness quickly and effectively at home.
Traditional methods of therapeutic efficacy

Traditionally, in the most "neglected" cases, if the treatment of prostatitis with drugs does not help, it is recommended that the patient undergo surgery. If the patient seeks medical attention on time, then the treatment of prostatitis can start by adhering to the correct diet and daily regimen. Patients should refuse spicy food, canned food and bacon, alcohol and cigarettes, pay attention to physical hygiene, and take medications on time as prescribed by their doctor.
You can learn how to improve male effectiveness at home from various sources. In most cases, this is done with the help of folk remedies. But even natural gifts: plants, roots, flowers, and expenses should be used after inspection and consultation with a doctor, so as not to harm your health. In most cases, the treatment of prostate adenoma uses alternative (alternative) methods or traditional medical methods. With the permission of the doctor, the treatment methods can be combined to obtain more effective and faster results.
It’s best to learn from an expert how to improve effectiveness at home before choosing the right treatment
In most cases, using lemongrass decoction at home can quickly increase and increase its effectiveness. Pour 100 grams of lemongrass into one liter of boiling water, soak for 3 hours, and then use it 3 times a day for two weeks. At the end of the first week of treatment, men’s erections will increase.
In addition, the potency is increased with the help of hawthorn. 150 grams of hawthorn must be poured into 1. 5 liters of water, boiled in a steam bath for 10 minutes, and then drink broth 5 times a day. The effect will occur within two days.
Many men use the herb catuaba, which is a natural aphrodisiac used to increase sexual intercourse. 100 grams of grass need to be poured with 300 milliliters of water, stick to noon, and then drink half an hour before the scheduled sex.
Another mysterious herb that increases potency is yohimbine or herbal Viagra. Usually 100 grams of herbs are boiled in 150 milliliters of water for three minutes and then taken half an hour before sexual intercourse.
You can also try to use dry Dubrovnik to increase effectiveness. Pour 150 grams into one liter of water, boil for 10 minutes, let cool, and take 3-4 times a day. Another effective method is to use an infusion of dried coriander and parsley. Pour the herbs into boiling water for 2-3 hours, and then take 100 ml daily.
Several treatment options to increase effectiveness: pour 150 grams of chopped ginger root into 300 milliliters of boiling water, drink this infusion 5-6 times a day instead of tea; mix 100 grams of aloe vera juice with a tablespoon of parsley seeds and take it daily50-70 grams of this mixture.
What should food be?
In addition, in order to quickly increase effectiveness at home, men must monitor their diet and nutrition. How to improve effectiveness and repair results in the long term? The answer is simple-you need to enrich you with foods such as vegetables (parsley, celery), seafood (fatty fish, lobster, shrimp, mackerel, crab), fish oil, chicken and eggs, various nuts, veal and beefThe diet of liver, as well as figs, bananas, persimmons, papaya and citrus fruits, and foods containing omega acid. If you are not allergic to any products, it is recommended to use them in your diet every day. Avoiding fried, salty and spicy foods can also help.
For young men, to increase effectiveness at home, it is best to give up excessive use of beans, soybeans and other foods rich in female hormones. It is best to reduce alcohol consumption to a minimum and quit smoking and drugs.
An active lifestyle, a lot of exercise and physical activity, and physical activity help to enhance the abilities of men. Therefore, it can dispel the blood stagnation that usually forms in the prostate, especially sedentary work and sedentary lifestyle. It is recommended that men do more exercise or gymnastics, and walk more. In addition, if a man has a sedentary lifestyle, he needs to take drugs that promote blood circulation to eliminate the possibility of blood stagnation and impaired effectiveness in the body.
Exercises to improve effectiveness
Not everyone knows how to use sports to improve effectiveness. Here are some simple exercises that can help disperse blood throughout the body and increase effectiveness.

- The steps are in place. Walk on the spot for 10-15 minutes every day while raising your knees as much as possible.
- Sit on a flat surface, tighten your hips and simulate as if you want to clamp an object between your legs for 5 seconds.
- Lie down and bend your knees so that your feet are firmly in contact with the fake. After taking this position, gently raise and lower the pelvis for 5-7 minutes. Therefore, you can improve blood circulation and prevent blood stagnation in the pelvis.
- Lie on your back on the floor, bend your knees and spread them shoulder-width apart. Tighten the muscles between the anus and scrotum as much as possible and hold for a few seconds.
- Take off your clothes, squat down and retract your scrotum as much as possible. Repeat the exercise for 5-7 minutes.
- bicycle. This is a well-known and fairly simple exercise. Do this quick exercise on a flat surface for 2-3 minutes.

In addition, in order to increase and maintain good effectiveness, men need to avoid stress, overwork, tension and heavy physical labor. It is best not to use chemicals, follow the rules, eat a reasonable diet, and use positive and good emotions to enrich your life. In addition, men should not catch a cold or stay in a humid and cold place for a long time, sit in one place for a long time, work a lot, and experience stressful situations.
During any treatment, the patient is also recommended to walk, breathe fresh air and monitor the normal work of the intestines and bladder.
However, if there is a private health problem, you do not need to treat yourself immediately. Increasing male potency is an intimate and personal issue, so it is best to consult a doctor and consult the treatment method and its duration.
Even the simplest and most harmless home treatment methods cannot always help and guarantee recovery, because everyone's body is an individual environment with its own laws. Only after passing tests and thorough inspections can one decide how much and how much is needed to treat or increase male effectiveness.